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From The Trash Man To The Cash Man

From The Trash Man To The Cash Man

Author: Golden, Myron

Binding: Kindle Edition

Format: Kindle eBook

Number Of Pages: 140

Release Date: 25-07-2013

Details: Myron Golden wrote From The Trash Man To The Cash Man as a means to help other people who wanted and book about wealth building made easy. The physical copy of the book has already sold over 139,000 copies world-wide. Myron Golden wanted to show others how to use the basic principles of personal finance to get rich or what ever level of wealth creation the reader desires. This is a practical book about personal finance. It is a simple guide to financial literacy. The subtitle of the book says it all. How anyone can get rich starting from anywhere. If you want to get out of debt, this book can help you. If you want to learn how to become a millionaire or how to become a multimillionaire, this book can help you. The financial principles are both powerful and simple. If you apply these wealth principles they will work for you. If you want some practical answers to the questions, how do I start and run a successful business or how to I teach my children about money, or what is the best way to plan for retirement? This book is for you.
Look at what others are saying about From The Trash Man To The Cash Man:
Allyson says:
This book was a real eye-opener, and it changed my financial condition for the better. Thanks, Myron!

Gregg Scott says:
The Trash Man to the Cash Man is a great book. It outlines principles that my wife and I have been applying to our lives and getting results. It has inspired us to pursue the success we desire.
Gregg and Lenika Scott

James Davis Jr. says:
With all the gloom and doom talked about our economy, From The Trash Man To The Cash Man is the perfect book to help change your mind set about money. You will learn amazing principals that are not taught in school to give you the upper hand to empower and improve your family financial well-being.

KimAlyse Popkave says:
From The Trash Man To The Cash Man is a phenomenal book. What’s so great about it is it just makes sense.

Languages: English

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